Installed Julia Packages (Ubuntu 22.04)

Julia is a fast modern compiled language that is well supported on CoCalc. This table lists pre-installed Julia libraries immediately available in every CoCalc project running on the default "Ubuntu 22.04" image. If something is missing, you can install additional libraries, or request that we install them.
Learn more about Julia in CoCalc and our Pluto and Jupyter Notebook support.
- Julia:
The system-wide Julia environment.
julia version 1.10.4
Showing 637 libraries
Library | Julia |
1.5.0 | |
0.3.0 | |
AbstractPlutoDingetjes | 1.3.2 |
0.4.5 | |
Accessors | 0.1.36 |
4.0.4 | |
ADTypes | 1.2.1 |
AliasTables | 1.1.3 |
0.5.3 | |
Animations | 0.4.1 |
0.13.26 | |
0.9.27 | |
0.3.27 | |
0.6.55 | |
ApproxFunSingularities | 0.3.20 |
Arb_jll | 200.2300.0+0 |
Arblib | 0.8.1 |
ArgTools | 1.1.1 |
0.1.0 | |
0.5.4 | |
Arpack_jll | 3.5.1+1 |
7.10.0 | |
ArrayLayouts | 1.9.3 |
2.7.2 | |
ArrowTypes | 2.3.0 |
Artifacts | N/A |
ASL_jll | 0.1.3+0 |
0.1.0 | |
1.0.3 | |
1.1.0 | |
0.4.7 | |
1.7.2 | |
Base64 | N/A |
1.5.0 | |
BetterFileWatching | 0.1.5 |
0.5.10 | |
0.1.8 | |
0.2.7 | |
BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions | 0.1.5 |
0.6.3 | |
0.16.43 | |
0.12.10 | |
0.7.3 | |
Blosc_jll | 1.21.5+0 |
2.4.0 | |
5.8.0 | |
BSplineKit | 0.17.2 |
1.2.1 | |
Bzip2_jll | 1.0.8+1 |
1.0.5 | |
Cairo_jll | 1.18.0+2 |
0.5.1 | |
0.10.8 | |
0.2.2 | |
0.5.0 | |
Chain | 0.6.0 |
ChainRulesCore | 1.24.0 |
CloseOpenIntervals | 0.1.12 |
0.15.7 | |
0.8.2 | |
0.4.3 | |
0.7.4 | |
0.8.3 | |
0.4.0 | |
0.12.11 | |
3.25.0 | |
0.11.5 | |
0.10.0 | |
1.0.2 | |
CommonEq | 0.2.1 |
CommonSolve | 0.2.4 |
0.3.0 | |
4.15.0 | |
CompilerSupportLibraries_jll | 1.1.1+0 |
0.9.5 | |
CompositeTypes | 0.1.4 |
CompositionsBase | 0.1.2 |
0.3.2 | |
ConcreteStructs | 0.2.3 |
ConcurrentUtilities | 2.4.1 |
1.10.0 | |
Configurations | 0.17.6 |
ConstructionBase | 1.5.5 |
0.6.3 | |
0.16.0 | |
0.6.3 | |
0.2.0 | |
0.3.1 | |
CPUSummary | 0.2.5 |
1.0.0 | |
4.1.1 | |
CRC32c | N/A |
CRlibm_jll | 1.0.1+0 |
0.1.1 | |
0.10.14 | |
1.0.2 | |
DataAPI | 1.16.0 |
DataConvenience | 0.3.5 |
1.6.1 | |
0.15.2 | |
0.18.20 | |
DataValueInterfaces | 1.0.0 |
0.4.13 | |
N/A | |
0.12.4 | |
DelaunayTriangulation | 1.0.3 |
5.47.3 | |
DelimitedFiles | 1.9.1 |
Deno_jll | 1.33.4+0 |
Dictionaries | 0.4.2 |
6.151.2 | |
3.6.2 | |
5.21.0 | |
7.13.0 | |
DifferentiationInterface | 0.4.2 |
1.1.0 | |
1.15.1 | |
0.10.11 | |
Distributed | N/A |
0.25.109 | |
0.9.3 | |
0.7.14 | |
Downloads | 1.6.0 |
0.7.9 | |
0.6.8 | |
0.5.7 | |
EarCut_jll | 2.2.4+0 |
1.2.12 | |
EnumX | 1.0.4 |
EnzymeCore | 0.7.3 |
EpollShim_jll | 0.0.20230411+0 |
ExactPredicates | 2.2.8 |
ExceptionUnwrapping | 0.1.10 |
Expat_jll | 2.6.2+0 |
1.26.1 | |
ExpressionExplorer | 1.0.2 |
ExproniconLite | 0.10.8 |
ExprTools | 0.1.10 |
Extents | 0.1.2 |
FastAlmostBandedMatrices | 0.1.2 |
FastBroadcast | 0.3.2 |
0.3.2 | |
1.0.2 | |
FastLapackInterface | 2.0.4 |
0.16.1 | |
FastTransforms_jll | 0.6.2+0 |
0.5.10 | |
FFMPEG | 0.4.1 |
FFMPEG_jll | 4.4.2+2 |
0.3.2 | |
1.8.0 | |
FFTW_jll | 3.3.10+0 |
1.16.3 | |
0.8.3 | |
0.9.21 | |
FileWatching | N/A |
1.11.0 | |
FiniteDiff | 2.23.1 |
0.8.5 | |
0.6.1 | |
FLINT_jll | 200.900.9+0 |
0.4.1 | |
Fontconfig_jll | 2.13.96+0 |
1.3.7 | |
0.10.36 | |
4.1.1 | |
FreeType2_jll | 2.13.2+0 |
0.10.3 | |
0.4.6 | |
FriBidi_jll | 1.0.14+0 |
FromFile | 0.1.5 |
0.5.0 | |
1.1.3 | |
FunctionWrappersWrappers | 0.1.3 |
Functors | 0.4.11 |
Future | N/A |
FuzzyCompletions | 0.5.4 |
fzf_jll | 0.43.0+0 |
1.4.0 | |
GenericFFT | 0.1.6 |
0.5.4 | |
1.3.4 | |
GeometryBasics | 0.4.11 |
Gettext_jll | 0.21.0+0 |
Ghostscript_jll | 9.55.0+4 |
1.3.0 | |
Git_jll | 2.36.1+2 |
GitHubActions | 0.1.7 |
3.4.1 | |
GLFW_jll | 3.3.9+0 |
Glib_jll | 2.80.2+0 |
1.9.0 | |
0.10.2 | |
1.3.1 | |
GMP_jll | 6.2.1+6 |
GPUArraysCore | 0.1.6 |
0.72.8 | |
GR_jll | 0.72.8+0 |
1.1.2 | |
Graphite2_jll | 1.3.14+0 |
0.5.2 | |
1.9.0 | |
GridLayoutBase | 0.11.0 |
Grisu | 1.0.2 |
HalfIntegers | 1.6.0 |
HarfBuzz_jll | 2.8.1+1 |
0.2.0 | |
0.3.1 | |
2.9.3 | |
HostCPUFeatures | 0.1.16 |
1.10.8 | |
Hwloc_jll | 2.10.0+0 |
0.3.23 | |
0.0.5 | |
HypertextLiteral | 0.9.5 |
0.11.0 | |
IfElse | 0.1.1 |
1.24.2 | |
0.6.11 | |
ImageBase | 0.1.7 |
0.3.0 | |
0.3.12 | |
0.10.2 | |
ImageCorners | 0.1.3 |
0.2.17 | |
0.2.6 | |
0.5.2 | |
0.7.8 | |
ImageIO | 0.6.8 |
1.3.1 | |
ImageMagick_jll | 6.9.11+4 |
0.9.9 | |
0.4.5 | |
ImageQualityIndexes | 0.3.7 |
0.26.1 | |
1.8.2 | |
0.3.8 | |
0.10.1 | |
Imath_jll | 3.1.11+0 |
1.1.1 | |
1.0.0 | |
0.13.8 | |
Infinities | 0.1.8 |
0.1.5 | |
InlineStrings | 1.4.0 |
IntegerMathUtils | 0.1.2 |
IntegralArrays | 0.1.5 |
IntelOpenMP_jll | 2024.1.0+0 |
0.10.5 | |
0.10.10 | |
InteractiveUtils | N/A |
0.15.1 | |
0.22.13 | |
0.7.10 | |
1.1.0 | |
InverseFunctions | 0.1.14 |
1.3.0 | |
IOCapture | 0.2.4 |
1.6.2 | |
Ipopt_jll | 300.1400.1400+0 |
IrrationalConstants | 0.2.2 |
Isoband | 0.1.1 |
isoband_jll | 0.2.3+0 |
1.0.0 | |
1.0.0 | |
1.10.0 | |
JDF | 0.5.2 |
0.4.48 | |
JLFzf | 0.1.7 |
JLLWrappers | 1.5.0 |
JpegTurbo | 0.1.5 |
JpegTurbo_jll | 3.0.3+0 |
0.5.4 | |
0.21.4 | |
JSON3 | 1.14.0 |
1.22.1 | |
JumpProcesses | 9.11.1 |
0.8.4 | |
0.6.9 | |
KLU | 0.6.0 |
0.2.6 | |
0.9.6 | |
LAME_jll | 3.100.2+0 |
0.16.3 | |
1.3.1 | |
1.9.0 | |
LayoutPointers | 0.1.15 |
LazilyInitializedFields | 1.2.2 |
0.15.1 | |
1.10.0 | |
LazyArtifacts | N/A |
LazyModules | 0.3.1 |
0.10.1 | |
LeftChildRightSiblingTrees | 0.2.0 |
LERC_jll | 3.0.0+1 |
LevyArea | 1.0.0 |
libaom_jll | 3.9.0+0 |
libass_jll | 0.15.1+0 |
libblastrampoline_jll | 5.8.0+1 |
0.6.4 | |
LibCURL_jll | 8.4.0+0 |
Libdl | N/A |
libfdk_aac_jll | 2.0.2+0 |
Libffi_jll | 3.2.2+1 |
Libgcrypt_jll | 1.8.11+0 |
N/A | |
LibGit2_jll | 1.6.4+0 |
Libglvnd_jll | 1.6.0+0 |
Libgpg_error_jll | 1.49.0+0 |
Libiconv_jll | 1.17.0+0 |
Libmount_jll | 2.40.1+0 |
libpng_jll | 1.6.43+1 |
libsixel_jll | 1.10.3+0 |
libsodium_jll | 1.0.20+0 |
LibSSH2_jll | 1.11.0+1 |
Libtiff_jll | 4.4.0+0 |
Libuuid_jll | 2.40.1+0 |
libvorbis_jll | 1.3.7+1 |
1.3.5 | |
0.9.1 | |
LinearAlgebra | N/A |
LinearAlgebraX | 0.2.7 |
LinearSolve | 2.30.1 |
7.2.0 | |
LittleCMS_jll | 2.12.0+0 |
LLVMOpenMP_jll | 15.0.7+0 |
0.6.3 | |
LogExpFunctions | 0.3.28 |
N/A | |
1.0.3 | |
LoopVectorization | 0.12.170 |
LowRankMatrices | 1.0.1 |
1.6.1 | |
Lz4_jll | 1.9.4+0 |
LZO_jll | 2.10.2+0 |
0.5.13 | |
0.21.2 | |
MakieCore | 0.8.2 |
Malt | 1.1.1 |
0.1.8 | |
0.4.2 | |
MarchingCubes | 0.1.9 |
N/A | |
1.30.0 | |
MathTeXEngine | 0.6.0 |
2.2.0 | |
MaybeInplace | 0.1.3 |
1.1.9 | |
MbedTLS_jll | 2.28.2+1 |
0.3.2 | |
0.5.0 | |
0.2.0 | |
0.4.11 | |
0.7.2 | |
METIS_jll | 5.1.2+0 |
MIMEs | 0.1.4 |
1.2.0 | |
4.24.1 | |
MixedModelsDatasets | 0.1.1 |
MixedSubdivisions | 1.1.3 |
MKL_jll | 2024.1.0+0 |
Mmap | N/A |
0.7.8 | |
1.1.7 | |
2.2.4 | |
0.3.4 | |
MozillaCACerts_jll | 2023.1.10 |
MPC_jll | 1.2.1+0 |
MPFR_jll | 4.2.0+1 |
1.2.1 | |
0.2.4 | |
0.4.4 | |
0.5.5 | |
0.10.2 | |
MUMPS_seq_jll | 500.600.201+0 |
1.2.0 | |
MutableArithmetics | 1.4.4 |
0.10.2 | |
1.0.2 | |
0.4.16 | |
1.1.1 | |
NetworkOptions | 1.2.0 |
nghttp2_jll | 1.52.0+1 |
1.0.2 | |
NLopt_jll | 2.7.1+0 |
4.5.1 | |
7.8.3 | |
NonlinearSolve | 3.12.4 |
0.5.5 | |
OddEvenIntegers | 0.1.12 |
1.14.0 | |
Ogg_jll | 1.3.5+1 |
oneTBB_jll | 2021.12.0+0 |
OpenBLAS32_jll | 0.3.24+0 |
OpenBLAS_jll | 0.3.23+4 |
OpenEXR | 0.3.2 |
OpenEXR_jll | 3.2.4+0 |
OpenJpeg_jll | 2.4.0+0 |
OpenLibm_jll | 0.8.1+2 |
OpenSpecFun_jll | 0.5.5+0 |
1.4.3 | |
OpenSSL_jll | 1.1.23+0 |
1.9.4 | |
Opus_jll | 1.3.2+0 |
1.6.3 | |
6.80.1 | |
p7zip_jll | 17.4.0+2 |
PackageExtensionCompat | 1.0.2 |
0.5.0 | |
0.5.12 | |
Pango_jll | 1.52.2+0 |
0.12.3 | |
0.3.2 | |
0.2.0 | |
2.8.1 | |
PCRE2_jll | 10.42.0+1 |
0.11.31 | |
0.4.21 | |
1.3.0 | |
1.3.0 | |
Pixman_jll | 0.43.4+0 |
Pkg | 1.10.0 |
PkgVersion | 0.3.3 |
1.40.4 | |
3.2.0 | |
1.4.1 | |
Pluto | 0.19.42 |
PlutoDependencyExplorer | 1.0.4 |
PlutoSliderServer | 0.3.29 |
PlutoUI | 0.7.59 |
PNGFiles | 0.4.3 |
0.4.4 | |
Polyester | 0.7.14 |
PolyesterWeave | 0.2.1 |
PolygonOps | 0.1.2 |
3.2.4 | |
1.4.3 | |
0.2.4 | |
PreallocationTools | 0.4.22 |
PrecompileSignatures | 3.0.3 |
PrecompileTools | 1.2.1 |
Preferences | 1.4.3 |
2.3.2 | |
0.5.6 | |
Printf | N/A |
Profile | N/A |
ProgressLogging | 0.1.4 |
1.10.0 | |
1.1.4 | |
0.8.0 | |
PtrArrays | 1.2.0 |
1.96.4 | |
2.11.2 | |
QOI | 1.0.0 |
Qt5Base_jll | 5.15.3+2 |
2.9.4 | |
0.7.6 | |
Random | N/A |
1.7.0 | |
1.5.3 | |
0.3.2 | |
0.4.5 | |
0.8.3 | |
0.7.7 | |
RealDot | 0.1.0 |
1.3.4 | |
RecipesPipeline | 0.6.12 |
3.22.0 | |
0.2.23 | |
1.2.2 | |
0.3.2 | |
RegistryInstances | 0.1.0 |
RelocatableFolders | 1.0.1 |
N/A | |
1.3.0 | |
1.1.1 | |
1.15.3 | |
0.2.8 | |
0.7.1 | |
Rmath_jll | 0.4.2+0 |
2.1.5 | |
1.7.1 | |
RoundingEmulator | 0.2.1 |
RuntimeGeneratedFunctions | 0.5.13 |
0.5.0 | |
SciMLBase | 2.39.0 |
SciMLOperators | 0.3.8 |
SciMLStructures | 1.2.0 |
Scratch | 1.2.1 |
0.3.2 | |
SentinelArrays | 1.4.3 |
Serialization | N/A |
1.1.1 | |
0.7.0 | |
ShaderAbstractions | 0.4.1 |
SharedArrays | N/A |
2.0.0 | |
ShortStrings | 0.3.11 |
1.0.3 | |
0.4.0 | |
3.5.0 | |
SIMDTypes | 0.1.0 |
SimpleBufferStream | 1.1.0 |
0.8.6 | |
SimpleNonlinearSolve | 1.9.0 |
0.3.2 | |
SimplePolynomials | 0.2.17 |
0.3.1 | |
0.9.4 | |
SimpleUnPack | 1.1.0 |
1.4.0 | |
Sixel | 0.1.3 |
SLEEFPirates | 0.6.42 |
0.3.0 | |
Sockets | N/A |
1.1.0 | |
1.2.1 | |
0.2.8 | |
SparseArrays | 1.10.0 |
SparseDiffTools | 2.19.0 |
SparseMatrixColorings | 0.3.2 |
Sparspak | 0.3.9 |
0.1.6 | |
2.4.0 | |
3.0.0 | |
1.2.3 | |
SPRAL_jll | 2024.1.18+0 |
StableRNGs | 1.0.2 |
StackViews | 0.1.1 |
Static | 0.8.10 |
StaticArrayInterface | 1.5.0 |
1.9.4 | |
StaticArraysCore | 1.4.2 |
Statistics | 1.10.0 |
StatsAPI | 1.7.0 |
0.33.21 | |
1.3.1 | |
0.3.1 | |
0.7.3 | |
0.15.7 | |
2.2.0 | |
6.65.1 | |
StrideArraysCore | 0.5.6 |
0.11.3 | |
0.3.7 | |
StringManipulation | 0.3.4 |
0.6.18 | |
StructTypes | 1.10.0 |
N/A | |
SuiteSparse_jll | 7.2.1+1 |
4.24.0 | |
Sundials_jll | 5.2.2+0 |
SymbolicIndexingInterface | 0.3.22 |
SymEngine_jll | 0.9.0+1 |
2.1.1 | |
SymPyCore | 0.2.3 |
TableMetadataTools | 0.1.0 |
TableOperations | 1.2.0 |
1.11.1 | |
0.2.6 | |
1.0.1 | |
1.0.2 | |
0.7.2 | |
Tar | 1.10.0 |
TensorCore | 0.1.1 |
TerminalLoggers | 0.1.7 |
Test | N/A |
1.8.0 | |
ThreadingUtilities | 0.5.2 |
0.6.2 | |
TiffImages | 0.10.0 |
0.5.0 | |
0.5.24 | |
0.24.2 | |
1.17.0 | |
0.8.3 | |
1.0.3 | |
0.10.9 | |
0.3.0 | |
TriangularSolve | 0.2.0 |
Tricks | 0.1.8 |
TriplotBase | 0.1.0 |
TruncatedStacktraces | 1.4.0 |
1.4.6 | |
TZJData | 1.2.0+2024a |
Unicode | N/A |
0.4.1 | |
3.6.4 | |
1.20.0 | |
UnitfulLatexify | 1.6.3 |
UnPack | 1.0.2 |
Unzip | 0.2.0 |
URIs | 1.5.1 |
UUIDs | N/A |
VectorizationBase | 0.21.68 |
1.3.0 | |
VertexSafeGraphs | 0.2.0 |
Wayland_jll | 1.21.0+1 |
Wayland_protocols_jll | 1.31.0+0 |
1.4.2 | |
0.8.21 | |
1.6.0 | |
0.6.6 | |
1.0.0 | |
WorkerUtilities | 1.6.1 |
x264_jll | 2021.5.5+0 |
x265_jll | 3.5.0+0 |
xkbcommon_jll | 1.4.1+1 |
XML2_jll | 2.12.7+0 |
Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll | 0.1.1+0 |
Xorg_libX11_jll | 1.8.6+0 |
Xorg_libXau_jll | 1.0.11+0 |
Xorg_libxcb_jll | 1.15.0+0 |
Xorg_libXcursor_jll | 1.2.0+4 |
Xorg_libXdmcp_jll | 1.1.4+0 |
Xorg_libXext_jll | 1.3.6+0 |
Xorg_libXfixes_jll | 5.0.3+4 |
Xorg_libXi_jll | 1.7.10+4 |
Xorg_libXinerama_jll | 1.1.4+4 |
Xorg_libxkbfile_jll | 1.1.2+0 |
Xorg_libXrandr_jll | 1.5.2+4 |
Xorg_libXrender_jll | 0.9.11+0 |
Xorg_xcb_util_image_jll | 0.4.0+1 |
Xorg_xcb_util_jll | 0.4.0+1 |
Xorg_xcb_util_keysyms_jll | 0.4.0+1 |
Xorg_xcb_util_renderutil_jll | 0.3.9+1 |
Xorg_xcb_util_wm_jll | 0.4.1+1 |
Xorg_xkbcomp_jll | 1.4.6+0 |
Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll | 2.39.0+0 |
Xorg_xtrans_jll | 1.5.0+0 |
XSLT_jll | 1.1.34+0 |
0.4.10 | |
ZeroMQ_jll | 4.3.5+0 |
0.10.1 | |
Zlib_jll | 1.2.13+1 |
1.2.5 | |
Zstd_jll | 1.5.6+0 |
This information was collected at 20250227-1319.